Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Overview of the Course

The diagram shows the Outline of the course:

- Every Level consists of ONE exercise that you have to do EVERYDAY. The exercise can be done once, twice or thrice a day depending on how much time you can spare. No exercise in the first 12 steps will take more than 10 minutes at a time. (That means If you do the exercise 3 times a day, it will occupy 30 minutes of your time in a day.. Not a Big Deal. Huh??

- How many times you do the exercise in a day determines how quickly you progress to the next level. Ideally every level should take atleast 15 days.

- Very Important. In the first 4 levels, you Cannot Skip a Day. If you do, you have to start All Over again from the Start. The same applies to the 13th level.

- The 13th step is the most crucial step and takes 6 days in all.


  1. "Very Important. In the first 4 levels, you Cannot Skip a Day. If you do, you have to start All Over again from the Start. The same applies to the 13th level."

    If I've completed level 1 on the 9th day, I should move on to level 2 the next day?

  2. Its important that you keep practicing for 15 days atleast..

    I said "You have to make sure that you can look at the circle for 5 minutes without blinking".. You have to make sure that you can do so everytime you practice the gaze.

    When I started, I gazed for 7 minutes without blinking on the 8th day but the next day I was out after 3 minutes.

    So you have to make sure that you can do it on a consistent basis. Doing it for 15 days wont hurt.
